Tag Archives: Shopping

Harry’s Closet: Zara

Dressing Boys: Zara Kids

I can’t tell you how exciting it is for me to dress Harry. No joke. Cute pieces for little girls are everywhere, but for boys, you’ve got to dig a little to find the best stuff. You know, the stuff without green tractors and blue baseballs and orange monkeys all over them. The stuff that makes my little boy look like the cutest little man. But when you find that stuff, holy moly is it cute. A well dressed little boy is my kryptonite. Especially if he’s got a spiky brown mohawk and his Papa’s nose.

So today, I’m pulled together a few fabulous pieces from Zara. You know Zara. Made extra famous by the fabulous Kate Middleton. And the best thing? Free shipping. Oh, and everything here is nice and inexpensive (like a whole outfit for under $20). All in all, some basic “must-Haves” for a fashion forward little boy’s closet.

green shirt | blue polo | denim jeans | bathing suit

sweatshirt | tennis shoes | white chinos

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A Gift for Mum

Mothers Day Gift Guide

This Sunday happens to be my very first Mother’s Day. Last year Harry was smaller than a poppy seed, and very few people knew I was pregnant, so we didn’t celebrate. Plus, there was the suspersticious side of me that didn’t want to jinx anything.

But this year. This year is my year. It’s my very first Mother’s Day as a Mother. And to say I’m excited is an understatement. I’m more excited for Sunday and the chocolate chip cookies it will bring than I was for my last 5 birthdays combined AND the giant jar of peanut butter in my pantry. It feels like such a rite of passage.

The best present of all is the little boy who sleeps best on my shoulder, and a close second is the mega batch of  cookies I’ve planning on whipping up for months, but I figured I’d put together a little gift guide in case you’ve got a mom in your life who deserves a little something extra…

1. Zhena’s Coconut Black Chai Tea | I can personally vouch for the fact that this tea is worth having to order it online. It’s amazing. And mom’s love a good cup of tea, especially with a little side of girl talk.

2. Paper Roses from West Elm | What mom doesn’t love a gorgeous bouquet? And the best thing about this one is that it won’t die in a week or two. It’ll last as long as your love for mom. (Aw…)

3. Lindt Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt | Chocolate is the way to a mom’s heart. And the touch of sea salt is irresistible. Just ask me. I’ll tell you.

4. Accordion Brag Book | Because I don’t know a mom who doesn’t love to brag about her kids. Fill ’em up with your favorite kiddo pictures and send it to Mom.

5. Papercut Card | With the perfect sentiment. How stinking cute is this? I think I would frame this one.

6. Everlane V | Haven’t heard of Everlane yet? I’ve been dying for one of these amazing t’s since before I was pregnant. Get one for mom. She’ll thank you. (Plus! Nursing friendly!)

7. Slim Staking Ring | This delicate golden beauty is perfect for Mom’s hand. I’m obsessed. And here’s the less expensive version.

xoxo, Mallory

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Christmas Shopping


I’m not big on holiday shopping. Don’t get me wrong, when I see something that just screams out to me “Buy me for Justin Timberlake (or someone else in my life)! He will love me!” I go for it. But buying something just to have a present to give is not my jam. I’d much rather make something meaningful, or write a nice letter, or share some Christmas cookies. In fact, one of my friends got a dress from my closet wrapped up in a pretty box last year. I didn’t spend any money on it, but I knew that dress was going to make her happier than anything I could have grabbed on Black Friday.

But the problem is, sometimes I’m lopsided in my gift giving. I find the perfect present for some people, and for others, I just can’t find it. I’m a big fan of finding something that is going to be loved. That might make the favorites list. That means something more than “Hey, it’s Christmas, so I got you these socks.” Unless you wanted socks.

It does not bother me to give a gift to someone and get nothing in return. That is not the reason of the season (though for some reason, it does bother me when someone gives me a gift and I leave them empty handed). My gifts are often given to let the gift recipient that I was thinking of them. And usually, that I love them.

And thus begins the Christmas Present Hunt. Finding the most meaningful gifts for those I adore, making presents with lots of love, and figuring out the balance between meaningful presents and just wanting to let someone know they’re meaningful to me.

What about you? What are you favorite gifts to give (and to get!)?

xoxo, Mallory

Image source

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30 Days of Thanks: Day 9


Thank you for free shipping on orders over $50 Target. Because not only was I able to get this sweater, but I also grabbed a pair of baby jeans, two bumGenius diapers, and that sweet sweater one-piece. Both Baby and I did a little happy dance.

xoxo, Mallory

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Deal Alert!

Via HauteLook

It’s the time of year to start thinking about holiday cards (it’s literally been on my calendar for two weeks… we need to take a picture before my stomach will block the light from the sun) so when HauteLook emailed to say they were offering $50 worth of products from Paper Culture for $20, I took a look.

From the few minutes I spent peeking around at the designs I really, really liked what I saw. And when I saw that with the purchase of baby announcements, Paper Culture plants a tree in your baby’s honor, I was sold. In love. As a company, their goal is to plant 1 million new trees (pretty awesome for a company that sells paper products, if you ask me). All of their cards are made with 100% post consumer recycled paper or alternative non-tree fibers. In fact, for every order placed, they plant a tree in a National Forest. How freaking cool is that?

So whether you’re looking for your holiday card, a party invite (which I better get), birth announcements, or even just stationery – I would definitely say check out Paper Culture. But if you want the awesome deal (that’s 60% off people!) you better do it ASAP – because it’s a limited time offer.

Ooh, the holidays are in the air and I love it.

xoxo, Mallory

PS I wasn’t paid or perked by either HauteLook or Paper Culture. Just thought I’d pass along the deal. And just legitimately am impressed with Paper Culture.

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He’s a Fox

You guys, I have all but cartwheeled onto the bandwagon and started singing lead vocals when it comes to the animal face on a sweater trend. I love it, and I’ve been searching for an affordable fox face sweater for the Babe since I saw this not-so-affordable Christopher Fischer sweater.

Well I found it. The sweater above is from Target, is only $12, and will be worn by the Babe next winter… when he can fit into a 12 month size. I hunted around my local Target last night for this sucker and had no luck. So it looks like I’ll be buying a few things from Target.com this morning (I’m trying to get to $50 on all baby stuff we need so I can have free shipping).

What trend are you totally digging this season?

xoxo, Mallory

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Is this ridiculous?


Is this too ridiculous for a baby’s room, or just the perfect amount? Because let me tell you. I want it.

xoxo, Mallory

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Weekend Recap

This past weekend was a wonderful holiday weekend – which meant, the perfect time to get out of town and do a little socializing with old friends. Jon and I packed up the car, dropped off the puppy, and drove straight to Dallas Friday afternoon, where we met a couple we know from pilot training at Vance (in OK).

It was a whirlwind of eating, swimming, talking, switching hotels, eating some more, shopping, and zooing – the last resulting in my very first time petting a giraffe. Yes you read that right, I pet a giraffe. And it was the coolest thing ever.

On the way out of town, we did a little shopping and Ikea, and decided on a chair for Baby’s room, then headed to Buy Buy Baby (which – if you’re pregnant, will be, or know someone who is, or you just love babies, GO THERE. best baby store ever) to try out a few strollers I’ve been reading up on. Low and behold, we decided on a stroller! Which we will be registering for – in case anyone needs gift ideas for baby. 😉

Aside from the morning sickness, changing hotels, and driving over 13 hours in one weekend, it was a blast.

xoxo, Mallory

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