30 Days of Thanks: Day 9


Thank you for free shipping on orders over $50 Target. Because not only was I able to get this sweater, but I also grabbed a pair of baby jeans, two bumGenius diapers, and that sweet sweater one-piece. Both Baby and I did a little happy dance.

xoxo, Mallory

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6 thoughts on “30 Days of Thanks: Day 9

  1. Wendy says:

    Yogurt. I’m thankful for its awesomeness, its texture, and that it fills the needs of my calcium queen inside! I’m thankful that we had some in the fridge for this sweetie within who looooves it! 🙂

  2. Kelly says:

    I love Target too! Have you signed up for the redCard? It’s free and not a credit card. It is basically a Target specific debit card linked to your checking account. It gets you 5% off in store and online plus free shipping all the time!! We love ours 🙂

    • Mallory says:

      Kelly, I always thought it was a credit card! No way! I always say no, because I didn’t want to have a credit card… but with this information… You rock.

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