30 Days of Thanks: Day 26

Snow. Seriously, just snow. I most likely will not see snow this year, but no matter what, it always makes me happy. I’m so thankful for snow.

xoxo, Mallory

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4 thoughts on “30 Days of Thanks: Day 26

  1. […]  Today? 16°.  You may think this sucks, but if you know me (and especially if you know my sister Mallory) you know that we love the snow.  Sure, I get sick of it in the long cold days of winter.  But […]

  2. Wendy says:

    I missed them, too, a lot! Then my hub’s mother was doing one at his bro’s place. He saw me light up. We found some very enjoyable ones on clearance at WalMart! Also, if you are familiar with the website “Bits and Pieces” they have some great ones on sale, too (it’s a puzzle site).

  3. Wendy says:

    Today I am thankful for puzzles! The shared love of completing one with my hub’s mother is a spectacular experience as we swap stories! The insight and compassion learned from the time is a gift I cherish!

    Sometimes putting the pieces together mirrors our own life and allows us to understand the patterns better.

What do you think?